COVID-19 Cases Explode in Texas After GOP Insists on Reopening all Businesses

Today's announcement comes after the governor blamed 'young people' for spreading virus even as he allowed bars to reopen

Texas Gov is asking people to wear masks, but six days ago mayors from nine cities wrote him a letter saying the number one impediment to mask-wearing in the state is his executive order banning localities from imposing fines or criminal penalties.

State leaders are taking other steps to help curtail the spread of the virus, including upping enforcement, working with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on surge testing in areas where there may be outbreaks, working with hospitals to ensure they have what they need to treat all COVID-19 patients and by continuing to recommend everyone wear masks.

Abbott all but pleaded with Texans to wear facial coverings when out in public, but still refusing to make that an executive order on behalf of the public welfare saying Texas is too big to enforce such a mandate across 254 counties with different levels of the spread of the virus.

Full story at NBC DFW

Article submitted by Sheltomlee