Florida Teen Dies of COVID-19 Following Church Gathering and Home Treatment

Carsyn Leigh Davis, a 17-year old Fort Myers girl, died on June 23 of respiratory failure after nearly two weeks of being treated at home by her mother, a nurse, and her father, a physician’s assistant. She was taking doses of azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine, but it was not clear whether she had a prescription for the drugs.

Davis had attended a church function called a “Release Party” according to a Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner’s report that said at least 100 other teens were not social distancing nor wearing masks.

The medical examiner wrote that Carsyn’s parents gave her azithromycin as a preventive measure from June 10 to 15, when three days after the church party they assumed she had a sinus infection with sinus pressure, a mild cough and a headache. The mother also noted that after six days Carsyn looked gray as she slept, and gave her oxygen normally used by her grandfather for his COPD. At some point she had also been given a dose of hydroxychloroquine, before taking her to the hospital where she was diagnosed with COVID-19.

The girl’s family refused to allow her to be intubated, opting for plasma treatment. When that didn’t work, hospital staff intubated the girl on June 22. She died the next day.

Carsyn had battled health problems from age 2, including cancer and an autoimmune disease.

Her mother’s statement read, “We are incredibly saddened by her passing at this young age, but are comforted that she is pain-free. Heaven gained an angel. Carsyn did not have an easy life.”

See Tampa Bay Times and the Washington Post.