Senate Republicans and Trump reach a tentative agreement on a few things in new Coronavirus bill

In a nutshell:

  • Agreed to continue funding testing.
  • Moscow Mitch originally wanted to roll out band-aid solutions then continued negotiations instead.
  • Even Republicans do not favor Trump’s useless payroll tax cut that would defund both Social Security and Medicare. Plus, with his high unemployment numbers why does it even matter?
  • McConnell and some Republicans favor another round of direct payments of $1200 but that, too, has yet, to be negotiated. The dollar amount could be different.
  • Continuing enhanced unemployment payments of $600 a week that are set to expire at the end of this month are also a bone of contention.
  • No new money for cash-strapped states and cities but they can tap into existing aid funds.
  • Republicans propose giving $105 billion to help schools reopen and $15 billion for child care centers to create safe environments for youngsters during the pandemic.
  • McConnell still wants to protect businesses, workplaces, schools, etc. from Covid-19 related lawsuits.
  • Other items yet to be worked out are the looming housing/eviction/foreclosure issues that may arrive soon.

Democrats are calling for $430 billion to reopen schools, bigger unemployment benefits and direct aid checks, and a sweeping $1 trillion for state and local governments. They also want a fresh round of mortgage and rental assistance and new federal health and safety requirements for workers.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!