New Jersey cops accused of ‘beating’ Latino child for not wearing a bicycle helmet

The video shows one Ridgewood police officer attempting to stop a boy — described as a Latino minor by the local civil rights group Ridgewood for Black Liberation — from moving his bike by putting his hands on the bike’s handlebars. As the boy tries to move backwards with his bike,  another police officer walks up from behind and forcefully grabs the young man near the shoulder and neck area.

The two officers, each visibly larger than the young man, then wrestle the boy to the ground as he continues to hang on to his bicycle.. As the officers had the boy pinned on the ground, he can be heard yelling for the officers to get off of his stomach while being handcuffed. It is unclear what prompted the action by police, which appeared to be recorded on cell phones by several people.

The Ridgewood Police Department has not issued a statement.


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