GOP’s Coronavirus relief bill provides $1.75 billion for a new FBI headquarters because White House insisted on it

Senate Republicans released their coronavirus relief legislation on Monday after much anticipation, and buried in the bill is a non-pandemic related provision — $1.75 billion to build a new FBI headquarters in Washington, DC.

Democrats immediately slammed Republicans and the Trump administration for the provision, claiming the money for constructing the building is to serve the president’s business interests and could instead be allocated toward helping struggling Americans amid the public health crisis.

“They didn’t have money for food stamps, but they had money for an FBI building just so that they can diminish competition for the president’s hotel,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters Monday evening.

The White House has denied that the creation of a new FBI building would be to protect Trump’s business interests. Plans to sell the president’s hotel in Washington have been under consideration by Trump’s company, according to The Washington Post.

Source: MSN

Article submitted by, Darkillusion.