Pence: Justice Roberts a Disappointment to Conservatives

Vice President Mike Pence said in an interview to be aired today that Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has let down conservatives because he has sided with liberal justices.

In an interview with Christian Broadcasting Network’s David Brody, Pence said that while they have great respect for the institution of the Supreme Court, “Chief Justice John Roberts has been a disappointment to conservatives whether it be the Obamacare decision or whether it be a spate of recent decisions.”

Pence pointed specifically at a decision that struck down a restrictive abortion law in Louisiana that would require doctors in abortion clinics to have admitting privileges in local hospitals.

“That’s a very modest restriction on abortion providers, but a narrow majority in the Supreme Court still said it was unacceptable,” he said. “And I think it’s been, I think it’s been a wake up call for pro-life voters around the country who understand, in a very real sense, the destiny of the Supreme Court is on the ballot in 2020.”

Story at NBC.