Racist Michigan Road Commissioner Forced to Resign

A county road commissioner has resigned under mounting pressure, after revealing himself to be a racist.  When asked why he was not wearing a face covering at an August 4th public meeting, Leelanau County Road Commissioner Tom Eckerle responded: “Well this whole thing is because of them (n-word) down in Detroit.”  When the commission chairman chastised Eckerle for his language, Eckerle reportedly responded, “I can say anything I want…Black Lives Matter has everything to do with taking the country away from us.”  Eckerly stood by his statements when questioned by the county’s administrator, as well as State Rep. Jack O’Malley, who represents Eckerle’s district.  Board members, Rep. O’Malley, as well as Gov. Gretchen Whitmer were among those calling for Eckerle’s resignation.



Article submitted by, Andrew51.

“This goddamn country is going down the tubes, and Black Lives Matter is what the liberals in Washington are using to do it with,” he said. “All you need to do is think, and you can see it. … You don’t need to read the paper, you need to think and you will see what’s happening.”

He later said, “They’re trying to take the country away from us.” He did not respond to follow up questions asking him to specify who “they” and “us” referred to.

Detroit Free Press: