OHIO Man Reports Being Bitten, Robbed by Woman He Offered a Ride to!

Cops say the man has bite marks on his arm and a fat lip!

DATELINE WARREN, Ohio (WKBN) – The victim, who police noted had bite marks on his arm and a swollen lip, told officers the woman flagged him down Wednesday night. He said he offered to give her a ride.

Once in the car, the woman, identified as 31-year-old Tara Vlasic, demanded $10 from the victim, according to a police report.

The victim told her he didn’t have $10 and ordered her out of his vehicle.

The man said Vlasic then kicked him in the face, punched him about five times and bit his arm. He said she stole change from the vehicle’s center console and ran away.

  • She was found at an apartment complex where police arrested her.
  • Vlasic had blood on her shirt.
  • The victim estimates she made off with approximately $7 in change.
  • She was arrested on a robbery charge.

*Warren Ohio my be best known for their ongoing bestiality problem.

WKBN Youngstown

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