Anti-Mask Idaho Pastor Is in ICU With COVID-19


An Idaho pastor who openly flouted a local mask mandate contracted COVID-19 and is the intensive care unit—and his church is still not requiring face coverings at services. Paul Van Noy of Candlelight Christian Fellowship in Coeur d’Alene has been in the hospital for two weeks, The Spokesman-Review reported, and five other church staffers were also infected with the virus. So was his wife, Brenda, who posted to Facebook, “I haven’t taken this Covid seriously enough. I’m humbled.” Church members recently held a vigil outside the hospital—and they weren’t wearing masks.

Daily Beast

Van Noy is known for bringing his political views to the pulpit, The Spokesman-Review said. His wife has been active on Facebook throughout the pandemic, posting her own health updates as well as conspiracy theories, several of which have been flagged by Facebook as untrue, according to The Spokesman-Review. In a September 4 post, Brenda Van Noy acknowledged she hadn’t taken the virus seriously before contracting it.

“I haven’t taken this Covid seriously enough. I’m humbled. I have Covid and some of my friends have Covid now but more seriously my husband is in critical care in ICU with Covid and it is serious,” she wrote. “Please take this serious. Pray for healing. Love each other. Pray for those who have lost loved ones because of this EVIL virus!”


Here’s an image of the loving couple taken from Facebook.

Here’s some posts from the church website including one from Deborah G. who thinks “outside of the box”.

As always, refrain from quoting scripture and/or proselytizing.

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