Almost 500 Retired Military and National Security Officials Endorse Biden

A letter released on Thursday signed by 489 members of a group called National Security Leaders For Biden excoriated Donald Trump as “not equal” to the challenges of POTUS.

The letter praises Biden for his morality, integrity, and experience.

“The current President has demonstrated he is not equal to the enormous responsibilities of his office; he cannot rise to meet challenges large or small,” the group writes. “Thanks to his disdainful attitude and his failures, our allies no longer trust or respect us, and our enemies no longer fear us.”

Among the officers who signed the letter supporting Biden were those who had retired only in the past few years, and included Air Force Gen. Paul Selva, who served as vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff under Trump before he retired in August 2019; Vice Adm. Gardner Howe, a Navy SEAL leader who also retired last year; and retired Adm. Paul Zukunft, who oversaw the Coast Guard until 2018.

William Webster, the former director of the CIA and the FBI, was among the signatories, along with five former defense secretaries: William Perry, William Cohen, Chuck Hagel, Leon Panetta and Ash Carter.

Thursdays letter was notable for the sheer number of top brass from each branch of the military, and from Republicans, Democrats and Independents.

“We are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. We love our country. Unfortunately, we also fear for it,” they wrote.

See the story at USA Today and NBC.