Ten bigly lies Trump will more than likely tell in tonight’s debate

  • Veterans Choice:
    • President Obama signed the bill into law in 2014 yet, Trump continues to claim he did and the Cult believes him. Both Senators Sanders and the late John McCain initiated the bill.
    • Trump signed the VA MISSION Act of 2018which expanded and changed the Choice program.
  • Pre-Existing Conditions:
    • Trump will claim he will “always” protect patients with pre-existing conditions and Biden won’t.
    • The Affordable Care Act (ACA) already protects people with pre-existing conditions.
    • Currently, the Trump administration is working diligently to get all of the ACA struck down by the courts. His new handmaiden/SCOTUS nominee could very well seal the deal.
  • Iraq War:
    • Trump will claim that VP Biden voted in favor of the war in Iraq.
    • Although Trump claims he was a vocal supporter against the war, he was not initially.
    • When radio host Howard Stern asked him in 2002 if he was in favor of an invasion, he responded, “Yeah, I guess so. I wish the first time it was done correctly.”
  • Tariffs on China:
    • Trump has claimed repeatedly that he has made China pay billions of dollars in tariffs. No, We the People pay tariffs on imported Chinese products.
  • Travel Ban:
    • Trump never imposed a full stop ban on travel to and from China and Europe. He imposed travel restrictions that “contained exemptions for US citizens, permanent residents, many family members of both groups, and some others. In addition, the restrictions on Europe exempted entire countries.”
  • Ventilators:
    • “The cupboard was bare! Obama and Biden left me with NOTHING!”
    • The claim is just not true. A spokesperson for Trump’s own health department has confirmed he was left more than 16,000 ventilators in good working order in the national stockpile.
  • Manufacturing Jobs:
    • In 2016, Trump promised to bring back manufacturing jobs; he hasn’t. Just last week, he claimed his administration brought back 700K manufacturing jobs. That’s a bigly lie.
    • Manufacturing suffered a recession dating back to 2019.
    • Through August, there had been a net loss of 237,000 manufacturing jobs during Trump’s presidency. 
  • Monuments and Penalties:
    • Trump claims he signed a law that would impose a 10 year, prison sentence on anyone convicted of destroying Confederate or other monuments.
    • He issued an Executive Order in June “telling the federal government to fully prosecute people under existing laws governing damage to monuments — which provide for a maximum 10 years in prison, not the automatic 10 years in prison Trump keeps suggesting.”
  • Impeachment:
    • Trump has always claimed his dealings with Ukraine to get dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden was “fake” and alleged that the whistleblower’s allegations were inaccurate.
    • They were very accurate and Trump will remain impeached for life.
    • Trump will go down in history as one of only three US presidents to get impeached.


So, now that we know Trump’s endgame for tonight’s debate, please don’t let that deter you from joining News Views for a Live Discussion on tonight’s debate. 😀😇😀

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