Free Chat Friday, Week 43

Happy Friday, News Viewers, and what a Friday! We survived the last debate and here we are, less than two weeks out from the presidential election.

Here at NV, we watched the debate live last night. We expected Trump to lie, we expected interruptions, we knew there would be talk-overs, we figured the questions would be lame. We watched for the mute button, relishing the sight of Trump shutting up in real time. We anticipated attacks on Hunter Biden, we knew we’d be sitting through the blame game.

During the debate, We of the NV wrote, read, yelled and threw things; we wore out the All Caps key and dropped F bombs, rage bombs, Huh?-bombs and through hundreds of comments kept saying STAY COOL, JOE, Breathe Joe, Don’t Get Sucked In, Joe, and You’ve Got This Joe.

By the end of the debate, we had questions about those standard bizarre Trump moments (pillows? sheets? Abe Lincoln?) and breathed a sigh of relief that Joe brought it and Kristen Welker kept it moving.

In the shadows, through all the talk, separated families and a virus run rampant were not forgotten; in this election year, when we’re exhausted after four years of deflection, distraction and discounting of unimaginable horrors, we had some reliief, some focus, some clarity– We heard, “This is our reality now. This is our plan tomorrow. These are the hurdles, these are the strengths.”

Now what? Like the 45 mill who have already voted, lines or no lines, we get that done if we haven’t already, and we stay the course so we get through this term and start the process of rebuilding.

Oh, and we chat. We freely chat. We sanely, rationaly, and comically chat. We let each other know what’s going on where and how we’re coping. As the saying goes, it’s better to be pointed one step away from Hell than 100 steps moving towards it……So far, we’re still pointed in the right direction (by that I mean we’re pointing Left. . . . . 🙂