Trump-Loving Megachurch Pastor Robert Jeffress Urges Followers to Accept Biden as President-Elect

Jeffress mumbles some mumbo jumbo at the White House

“Here is our chance to show that Christians are not hypocrites. We serve a God who remains on His throne, sovereignly reigning over every square inch of this vast universe,” he wrote. “We serve a God who loves us and will never leave or forsake us. And now we have the chance to show the consistency and constancy/ of our Christian witness to this world.

“When Joe Biden becomes president, we should commend him for the things he does right,” Jeffress wrote. “We should condemn the things he does wrong. And above all, we must pray fervently for our president. If President Biden succeeds, we all succeed. May God bless Joe Biden, and may God bless the United States of America.”

“Pastor, you and Amy [Jeffress’ wife] have stood with us from the very beginning and I will always stand with you,” Trump said in 2017. “I told you that and I mean that. I will always be with you. I appreciate it. Thank you.”


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No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it