Georgia Republican officials reject Trump’s calls to overturn election results

Governor Brian Kemp

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, both Republicans, on Monday rebuffed President Donald Trump’s calls to overturn the state’s election results more than a week after they certified Joe Biden as the winner.

“President Trump called Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Saturday to pressure him into overturning Joe Biden’s win in the state, according to The Washington Post. During the call, just hours before an upcoming Trump rally in Georgia, the president asked Kemp to convene the state legislature for a special session to appoint Electoral College electors who might be more friendly to him than the broader population, which elected Biden by a margin of more than 12,000 votes. Kemp rejected the president’s plea, a source familiar with the conversation said.” The Daily Beast

The statements by the two officials amount to an unusual public rejection of Trump, who continues to exert immense influence in the party and whose shadow hangs over January’s runoff election, in which two Trump-allied GOP senators are hoping to retain their seats.

For weeks, Trump has made a series of unfounded claims of fraud in the state, for which there is no evidence. Biden won the state with more than 12,000 votes, and both Kemp and Raffensperger have pledged they will abide by the law.

Source: CNN and AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution)