Michele Bachmann: Ever Since Election Night, I feel Like I’m Being ‘Abused by Satan’!


During a Zoom call with various evangelical leaders for the Global Prayer For Election Integrity event, former Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann chose an odd analogy when describing how she felt on election night and the days afterward.

“That night, we watched — we knew immediately this was fraud,” she said. “And from that night on, I felt — I’ve never been victim of abuse … domestic abuse, I’ve never been a victim of it, but I felt that night like somebody took a swing at me, and that they were continuing to take a swing at me.”

“And every day when I woke up, I had this feeling like I was wounded,” she continued. “I don’t know how anybody else feels, but I have felt wounded since election night, and not to the point of being discouraged, but to the point of being abused, and I sense that, that was Satan, who came to kill, steal, and destroy, but that he was physically throwing punches and wounding and abusing.”


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No hell below us, Above us only sky, Get over it