Michigan GOP Leaders Punish a State Rep for Suggesting Electoral College Disruption And Doubts of Safety

Michigan GOP Speaker of the House pulled another state representative from his committee assignments, this time a fellow GOP member who suggested on a radio program Monday morning that a “Hail Mary” was planned to disrupt the electoral college vote.

Rep. Gary Eisen made the comments in the context that he and others in Lansing were having some sort of event, either at the Capitol or somewhere else. He said he could not rule out the possibility of violence. 

“Can you assure me that this is going to be safe day in Lansing, nobody’s going to get hurt?” radio host Paul Miller asked Eisen at the end of an 11-minute interview.

“No,” he responded. “I don’t know because what we’re doing today is uncharted. It hasn’t been done.”

The 11 minute radio interview can be heard here.

Eisen also referenced a “bomb threat phoned in from Wisconsin” that resulted in the Capitol being closed. Eisen suggested it would be a convenient excuse to thwart this “hail Mary” event, but that he may decide to attempt to gain access to the Capitol anyway.

Michigan’s 16 electors are scheduled to meet at 2:00pm on Monday to vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who received 154,000 more votes than Trump.

GOP Speaker Lee Chatfield responded by removing Eisen from his committee and a statement denouncing the behavior of Eisen.


Detroit News