A Few Dozen Show for Mike Pompeo’s Christmas Party

Mike and Susan Pompeo had invited over 900 guests to a holiday superspreader party but only a few dozen actually showed up on Tuesday.

The event was dedicated to the family members of diplomats overseas in dangerous posts who were serving without their families. Pompeo was scheduled to speak at the event, but canceled his speech and had a stand-in.

Of the 900 invited, about 70 people RSVP’d for the party, but less than that showed up. In previous years the event has drawn 200-300 people.

 One spouse of a diplomat said she declined the invitation because her husband was serving abroad and if she had attended and gotten sick, no one would have been able to take care of their children.

“It was a completely irresponsible party to throw,” said the woman.

Drinks and box meals were served, and a masked Santa walked from table to table to chat with families and children.

From the Washington Post; also Yahoo News.