Betsy DeVos Urges Career Staff to “Resist” Biden

Betsy DeVos urged career employees at the Department of Education to “be the resistance” when the Biden administration takes over during a virtual meeting on Tuesday.

“Let me leave you with this plea: Resist,” DeVos said. “Be the resistance against forces that will derail you from doing what’s right for students. In everything you do, please put students first — always.”

Part of DeVos’s legacy is the new Title IX rule that took effect in August, which mandates how colleges and K-12 schools respond to reports of sexual misconduct, with DeVos claiming the ruling is a win for due process.

Department officials have set up career employees to take over in an interim capacity with the exit of appointed members in the coming weeks. There was no comment when asked if DeVos would remain in office until January 20.

Complete story at Politico.