How Republicans could use their bruising 2020 legal defeats as a roadmap to slash voting rights

  • President Donald Trump and Republicans have been handed defeat after defeat in the dozens of lawsuits they’ve filed contesting the results of the 2020 election.
  • Experts warn the GOP could use those losses as a roadmap to pass stricter measures that would make it harder for voters to cast ballots in future elections.
  • The GOP has long cited the phantom menace of nationwide voter fraud to justify passing stricter voter ID laws and other measures that make it more difficult for voters – particularly low-income, minority voters in rural areas – to cast a ballot.

Modern efforts to restrict voting picked up after President Barack Obama was elected in 2008 following unprecedented turnout from a diverse electorate.

Voter suppression efforts aimed at the integrity of the ballot are always disproportionately designed to keep certain populations – that is, Democratic-leaning voters – from having access to the polls.

The GOP may be making a huge strategic error. This year, Trump saw an increase in support from Black and minority voters in big cities compared to the 2016 election.

How Republicans could use their bruising 2020 legal defeats as a roadmap to slash voting rights (

Source:  Submitted by, pccommentary