Georgia District Attorney Says She Will Enforce the Law Without Fear or Favor

The district attorney overseeing Atlanta said Monday that if a case is referred to her office regarding Trump’s call to Brad Raffensperger that she will “enforce the law without fear or favor.”

Politico reports that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Monday that it was unlikely his office would open an investigation into his weekend phone call with President Donald Trump, but suggested a criminal probe could still be launched by an Atlanta-area district attorney.

The district attorney’s statement comes after David Worley, the sole Democrat on Georgia’s state Board of Elections called for a civil and criminal investigation into the phone call.

Worley, in a letter to Raffensperger, said the call was “probable cause” for a probe into possible election code violations, citing a section of the state code criminalizing soliciting election fraud from someone else.

From The Hill