Henry Tarrio, who goes by Enrique, Proud Boys leader has been ordered to stay out of DC until his next court appearance in June

Following arrest realated to BLM flag/sign removal from church and its subsequent burning

Harry ‘Enrique’ Tarrio

In addition to destruction-of-property charges, the 36-year-old is also facing two felony weapons charges: D.C. police say officers found him with two high-capacity firearm magazines when he was arrested.

The arrest affidavit from D.C. police relies on publicly available videos of the church banner vandalism as well as interviews Tarrio gave to The Washington Post and other news outlets — and even memes Tarrio posted in which he takes credit for the vandalism.


The affidavit also pointed to statements Tarrio has given claiming credit for the burning. In a Dec. 18 post on the online platform Parler, Tarrio wrote: “Against the wishes of my attorney I am here to admit that I am the person responsible for burning of this sign.”


Source WTOP

Article submitted by, a non ymous.