Eric Trump Issues Dire Threat to Republicans Who Won’t Join Effort to Overturn Election: ‘Their Political Career is Over… They Will Get Primaried’

One member of the Trump family is making the threat very clear for Republican members of Congress: Cross President Donald Trump on Wednesday, and you will pay with your job.

Appearing on Hannity Tuesday night, Eric Trump told GOP senators and congressman to either join the effort to challenge the results of the 2020 election during a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, or find new work.

“Tomorrow’s gonna tell you a lot about the country,” Eric Trump said. “Because I can tell you, Sean, any senator or any congressman that does not … fight tomorrow, their political career is over. Because the MAGA movement is going nowhere.”

Eric Trump went on to spell out the threat a little further — telling Fox News host Sean Hannity that any Republican member of Congress who defies the president will face an intra-party challenge when they run for reelection.

“They will get primaried next time around. And they will lose — if they don’t show some backbone, and show some conviction.”

Eric Trump Issues Dire Threat to Republicans Who Won’t Join Effort to Overturn Election: ‘Their Political Career is Over… They Will Get Primaried’ (

Article submitted by, pccommentary.