This week made it tragically obvious that Trump is disgusted by his supporters

The attack on the Capitol made so many of the ugliest parts of Donald Trump obvious even to people who pretended they didn’t exist. Of all of these personality “flaws” — as his former White House chief of staff John Kelly’s said in an interview — the one most likely to elicit schadenfreude is Trump’s clear contempt for his own supporters.

Perhaps you’ve seen this video from the rally before the violence on Wednesday. Trump and his entourage watch the crowd as they wait for the president’s speech while blasting the song “Gloria” — Donald Trump Jr. narrates, preening ecstatically. According to the Washington Post, this moment of triumph was bittersweet for Trump. While the always-camera-conscious president said he enjoyed the masses assembled to hear him talk, he was dismayed that his supporters in their costumes looked “low class.” This was no Brooks Brothers riot.

Much more at source.

Article submitted by, Adamas.