With their phony legal arguments and pandering to Trump’s baseless claims, Cruz and Hawley’s bad behavior sets a bad precedent.

As Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said, accountability for the Jan. 6 invasion of the Capitol to disrupt Congress’s Electoral College count rests not only with President Donald Trump, but also with those who “object(ed) to the results of a legitimate, democratic election.” Romney was referring to, among others, Sens. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), both alumni of my Legislation classes at Yale and Harvard Law Schools.
The Ivy Leaguers irresponsibly magnified the president’s baseless claims of widespread voter fraud — but they tried to deepen that bogus indictment by pandering to those who “believe the election that just occurred, quote, was rigged,” as Cruz put it, and with smart-sounding legal arguments criticizing judges and the legal process. They know the process worked normally because I taught them how the process works. Neither had a single constitutional or statutory point that had not been examined and rejected by a bipartisan bevy of judges and administrators.