Liveblog - In case you missed it: Headlines 01/21/21

With so many crazy things happening, sometimes things fall through the cracks.  Here are some headlines that you may find interesting and worth discussing.

  • Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that House Democrats will move immediately on a massive coronavirus relief package, setting the stage for an early showdown in the newly flipped Senate over the chief legislative priority of the nascent Biden administration.
  • President Joe Biden has confidence in FBI Director Christopher Wray and plans to keep him in his role, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Thursday.
  • President Joe Biden’s immigration legislation will include new protections for children migrating from Central America, including the return of an Obama-era program that lets children apply for refugee or asylum status in the United States from their home countries.
  • Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell plans to present a proposal to Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to delay the start of the impeachment trial of former President Trump until February, multiple sources familiar with the plan tell CBS News. 
  • Speaking of Articles of Impeachment, QNut, Marjorie Taylor Greene filed Articles of Impeachment against President Biden. 🙄

In other Wing Nuts being Wing Nuts news:

White ISIS:

  • Great Read: Exclusive: How Officials’ Fear of Donald Trump Paralyzed Intelligence Agencies, Led to Capitol Riot
  • A Michigan man, allegedly seen attacking police with a hockey stick during riots at the U.S. Capitol, was arrested on Thursday after FBI agents got an unwitting assist from the suspect’s Facebook-posting father, officials said.
  • Michael Joseph Foy, 29, was picked up in the Detroit suburb of Wixom about 6:30 a.m., according to the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

Other News:

  • #WinningHangover: Around 900,000 workers filed for initial jobless claims last week, the U.S. Department of Labor said Thursday. First-time unemployment claims have surmounted 750,000 per week since last summer and jumped to 926,000 for the week ending January 9.
  • The data released by the Labor Department also showed that 15,994,519 people were still claiming some form of unemployment benefits through all government programs as of the week ending January 2—a significant increase from the 2.2 million claims filed in the same week last year.
  • A Columbus, Ohio, vaccine distributor has been suspended after authorities said the company mishandled 890 doses of Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine.
  • Pompeo slithers into the sunset taking his secrets with him, while owing the taxpayer, spouting scripture and eyeing 2024


  • Marjorie Greene supports "False Flag" theory that Sandy Hook and Parkland shootings were a Dem trick to force gun control

    Moms Demand Action are calling for her resignation for perpetuating this lie.

  • President Biden gets rid of the 'Diet Coke' button


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About Ms. G 5732 Articles
WTF, America?! What the actual F?!