Rooster Fitted With Blade for Cockfight Kills its Owner in India

Inflicts Fatal Injuries to Man’s Groin!

The bird had a knife attached to its leg ready to take on an opponent when it inflicted serious injuries to the man’s groin as it tried to escape, officers said. The man died from loss of blood before he could reach a hospital in the Karimnagar district of Telangana state earlier this week, local police officer B Jeevan told AFP.

The man was among 16 people organising the cockfight in the village of Lothunur when the freak accident took place, Jeevan said. The rooster was briefly held at the local police station before it was sent to a poultry farm.

“We are searching for the other 15 people involved in organising the illegal fight,” Jeevan said. They could face charges of manslaughter, illegal betting and hosting a cockfight.

Specially bred roosters have 7.5cm (3in) knives or blades tethered to their legs.

The Guardian

It’s not the first time an owner has been killed by their rooster. Last year a man in Andhra Pradesh died after he was hit in the neck by a blade attached to his rooster.


A Philippine police officer was killed during a raid on an illegal cockfight after a rooster’s blade sliced his femoral artery.


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