GOP House fundraisers accuse people who uncheck their recurring donation box of being Trump ‘DEFECTORS’ and prey to ‘the Radical Left’

The National Republican Congressional Committee debuted a bright-yellow pre-checked recurring donation box on its donation page with a startling ultimatum.

The message from House Republicans’ campaign arm, which on Wednesday caught the eye of many reporters, warns people that if they opt-out of recurring donations and “UNCHECK this box, we’ll have to tell Trump you’re a DEFECTOR & sided with the Dems.”


In early March, Politico reported that Trump’s team sent cease-and-desist notices to the Republican National Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Committee telling them not to use his name or likeness in fundraising appeals.

Currently, on the RNC’s WinRed donation page, the yellow pre-checked donation box says that “the Dems want you to uncheck the box and abandon President Trump, but we know you won’t!”

More at source.

This is also a follow-up to a previous News Views article: 

Article submitted by, Adamas.