Investigation of Gaetz Began at Bahamas Trip With Female Escorts

CBS News reported that a 2018 or 2019 trip to the Bahamas by Matt Gaetz is what triggered a Bill Barr-led DOJ investigation into sex trafficking.

“Gaetz was on that trip with a marijuana entrepreneur and hand surgeon named Jason Pirozzolo, who allegedly paid for the travel expenses, accommodations, and female escorts,” the report states.

The Justice Department is investigating whether those escorts were trafficked across state or international lines for sex with Gaetz, or merely for companionship.

When the New York Times reported that Gaetz had asked the former guy for a blanket pardon, Gaetz denied it.

Gaetz is now fundraising off the allegations, framing the argument against “fake news,” — not in spite of the salacious allegations, but rather because of them.

“The far-left New York Times has been publishing salacious allegations against me in an attempt to end my career fighting for the forgotten men and women of this country,” the email read. “It is a shame that the Left tries to drag my dating life into their political attacks, but it’s no surprise – when your ideas suck, you have to stoop this low.”

A big red button invites you to “CLICK HERE TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THE FAKE NEWS,” which redirects to a donation page on Gaetz’s campaign website. 

Gaetz has attempted to bring a friendship with former Democratic representative Katie Hill to light, insisting he stood up for her in the midst of a scandal when others would not.

“My lifestyle of yesteryear may be different from how I live now, but it was not and is not illegal,” he wrote. “I defended Rep. Katie Hill’s ‘throuple’ when her own Democratic colleagues wouldn’t. I just didn’t think it was anyone’s business.”

Hill called for Gaetz’s resignation if the allegations are true.

Florida Rep Anna Eskamani also had her own experience with Gaetz to report.

Additional source info: MSNBC, Politico