DATELINE NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE… The police in Nashville had to go to Kid Rock’s bar on Saturday night.
“The defendant was outside drunk holding a bottle of beer blocking the outside emergency exit door at Kid Rock’s,” the affidavit obtained by Newsweek said. “Kid Rock security told the defendant to leave … but he refused.”
The affidavit alleged that once the Metropolitan Police tried to calm the man down at the scene, he escalated things: “When the Metro police officers arrived to the location to assist security the defendant took out his colostomy bag from the inside of his front pants area and started to swing the bag around from left to right hitting two of the Metro police officers with his feces.”
Nicholas Newhart was charged with “assault on the two Metro police officers, disorderly conduct and public intoxication.”
According to local reports, the bar was throwing “a huge party … to celebrate the mask mandate being lifted.”
One officer needed to go home and change before finishing his shift, according to reports.
He’s single ladies!
Kid Rock is a huge Trump fan.