HUNTSVILLE, Ala. (WAFF) – After the Huntsville police officer was found guilty of murder last week, William Darby is now on administrative leave, according to city officials.
Darby was placed on paid administrative leave on May 10, just three days after he was found guilty of murdering 49-year-old Jeffery Parker in 2018.
City officials say this is the normal process until formal proceedings under the City of Huntsville’s personnel policies and procedures are complete.
Darby is out on bond until his July sentencing. He could face 20 years minimum.
Officer Darby shot and killed Parker in the face with a shotgun after he refused to put down the gun he was holding to his own head.
“I don’t know what caused the officer to feel threatened enough to shoot my fiancee in the face with a shotgun of all things,” said Michele Louthan.
According to police, Jeffery Parker, 49, called 911 saying he was having suicidal thoughts.