Cheers and welcome to the 5:00 Somewhere Lounge where I’m hanging out in my flip-flops with a cool summer cocktail in hand! Woot-woot!

We’ve been unseasonably warm in the mid- and upper-80s for a few days, and it is dry, dry, dry. Our precipitation this spring has been nothing to speak of, so I won’t. But I am going to try to enjoy some great weather this weekend around the homestead, and start checking some websites for a mid-summer getaway.
The patio is clean and prepped for some summer furniture — which is still in storage, but not for long. And it’s time to plant some flowers so I can get some dirt packed under my nails. It might be a good year for a potted cherry tomato if it’s going to be hot and dry. Time to grab the bluetooth speaker and add some music to my playlists for the summer.
So… I got an idea from Twitter to get our musical minds in tune with the season.
Did you note the “Strawberry Fields” in the featured picture?

Strawberry fields make an easier visual than a trip down a long and wind road in a yellow submarine — across the universe under marmalade skies with Lucy and some diamonds.
You can see how easy that is, so I thought maybe we could expand the idea —
If you could visit a place in any song, where would you go?
Would you go down a Carefree Highway to Hotel California?
Would you take a Crazy Train with No Sleep Til Brooklyn?
Would you Come Sail Away to Kokomo and be Sittin’ On The Dock of the Bay?
Me? I’m embracing my Moscow Mule and escaping……
It’s 5:00 somewhere, people, so grab your beverage and get your mood straight — it’s Friday, it’s officially the weekend. Time to start thinking about what you want to be doing this summer, and where you’d like to escape when you’re not chatting it up on NewsViews…… even if it’s only in a song.
Cheers, friends! Happy Friday, Happy Weekend!