The Westminster Kennel Club still held its annual dog show this week– relocated with COVID protocols– but otherwise, the same fascinating show. This year, four new breeds were included and the Best In Show was one of the oddest looking dogs on earth. . . . .his name? Wasabi, a Pekinese, and who am I to judge? (after all, I’m a cat person. . . ) but that doesn’t mean I don’t love the quirkiness of the hypnotic and addictive event– the judges, the competitions, the owners, the oh so particular requirements and rules for every little thing–I can’t think of a more complicated sports contest. . .. . .
And Hello Monday, Hello NVers, Hello dog people and animal people and people people. . . .let’s throw in other life on the planet people, because this is Free Range where we are ALL over the place, even while sitting at a keyboard. So what’s on your mind this fine day?