Dr. Ronny Jackson Demands Biden Take a Cognitive Test

The Former Guy’s White House physician, Ronny Jackson, is demanding that President Biden take a cognitive test and release the results to the public.

“Just everything that has been going on for the last year and a half … [Biden] doesn’t know what’s going on, where he’s at. He’s very confused all the time,” Jackson said in a brief interview with The Hill.

The Hill

Jackson, now a congressional representative from the state of Texas, and 13 other GOP lawmakers on Thursday signed a letter claiming that Biden has shown signs of a poor mental state and should take the test to prove otherwise.

What is interesting about the letter is that it repeats a line almost verbatim — about the President’s forgetfulness! — calling into question the mental faculties of the writers and those who signed it.

Last July in an effort to undermine confidence in Biden’s mental acuity, Trump underwent a cognitive test known as the Montreal Cognitive Test, meant to determine the early stages of impairment such as dementia. Trump went on to display his cognitive ability for the cameras.

Biden is the oldest President in history, and is due to have a physical later this year, and has pledged to release the results.
