Last Call: Heat be gone!

Happy Hot July 10! Let’s see: CA’s Death Valley spiked to 130 degrees today; but, it’s always hot there, so bad example. The rest of CA is just HOT AF and it’s getting annoying AF! Yes, I’m whining because the excessive heat has destroyed three tomato plants of mine, fried a bunch of marine life, and I just saw my electrical bill and it ain’t pretty.

In the old days, I would tell myself: “Ok, this is doable. The heatwave will last a few days then Mother Nature’s air conditioning, in the form of marine layer and Delta breezes, will cool us all down and life will be grand again.” But the last several summers have just been one heat wave after another and it seems they last longer as well. It’s actually pretty scary if this is the new norm which, unfortunately, I think it is.

So, how is everyone staying cool? Jumping in a pool? Camping out by the AC?

What types of meals do you like to prepare during a heatwave when turning on the stove or oven makes about as much sense as the Former Guy did?

Tonight, I’m making a big Shrimp Louie but I’m adding some grilled polenta I made earlier just because I can and I like grilled polenta on salads, especially spinach salad but, tonight: Louies!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Stay safe, healthy, and continue to mask up, especially around the unvaccinated!

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