Talko Tuesday, October 10, 2023-A Call for Letters to the Editor

Good morning, News Viewers! So, yesterday, we talked about a few ideas and suggestions on adding some new features to News Views. We’re going to start off not so much at a snail’s pace but no pedal to the metal either.

We decided we would start out with some Letters to the Editor and this is where you come in. On Thursday, I will begin publishing a few so they cannot be a novela; please make them short, sweet, and to the point on your views of whatever issue you’re interested in or on something we published recently. For examples, just look at your local paper and see how some people frame their letter. In all honesty, Letters to the Editor was always one of my favorite things to read on a daily basis

Use your Disqus name, not your real name—duh, right? And email your submission to

We do not sell any information nor will we SPAM up your email.

I look forward to reading them and feel free to ask any questions or make any other suggestions in your comments.

Enjoy the day and be safe!

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