Accused Sex Trafficker Matt Gaetz Shows Up at Britney Spears Hearing

Florida man Matt Gaetz, who is facing a Department of Justice investigation into sex trafficking, showed up outside of the Los Angeles courthouse where Britney Spears was asking a judge to investigate her father in what she described as an “abusive” conservatorship.

“Britney has been abused by the media, she has been abused by her grifter father and she’s been abused by the American justice system,” Gaetz told the crowd of Spears” supporters. “There’s a lot that divides us. But one thing we can all agree on is that Jamie Spears is a dick.”

In a hearing on Wednesday by phone before Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Brenda Penny, Britney described her conservatorship as “abusive,” and said she wanted to choose her own attorney to help bring the nearly 13-year arrangement to an end.

The court appointed attorney since the beginning of the conservatorship submitted a petition of resignation before the judge on Wednesday, and the judge accepted, along with the resignation of Bessemer Trust, a wealth management firm that had been appointed co-conservator.

Spears has retained former federal prosecutor Mathew Rosengart as her new counsel, who urged Jamie Spears to voluntarily step down as conservator.

“We will be moving promptly and aggressively for his removal. The question remains, why is he involved? He should step down voluntarily because that’s what’s in the best interest of the conservatee,” said Rosengart.

An attorney for Jamie Spears said in court that Spears would not resign.

CNN carried the story. Additional source info at Insider.