Pastor Pence Claims CRT Teaches Kindergarteners to Be ‘Ashamed of Their Skin Color’

On Friday, Pastor Pence repeated his bald faced lies on Critical Race Theory (CRT) at the Family Leadership Summit in Des Moines. This time, he claimed “it teaches kindergarten-age children to be ‘ashamed of their skin color.'” He also whined about the Biden administration canceling “patriotic education” and replacing it with “political indoctrination.”

At Friday’s inaugural Feenstra Family Picnic in Sioux Center, Pence continue his attacks on CRT and said:

“It’s far past time to discard the left-wing reflex to find systemic racism in every institution in the country,” he said. “America is not a racist country. America is the most just, noble and inclusive nation ever to exist on the face of the earth.”


There is little to no evidence CRT is taught to K-12 students; it’s mainly taught in some college classes. However, Republicans have made CRT their new bogeyman and so far, 26 states have introduced bills or taken other steps to limit how race and racism can be taught in classrooms.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!