Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene Calls Exclusion of Unvaccinated People ‘Segregation’


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said a private business’s decision to not admit unvaccinated patrons was tantamount to “segregation,” her latest use of inflammatory language while spreading anti-vaccine messages.

The Republican Georgia congresswoman tweeted Sunday night a screenshot of a recent Instagram post from an Atlanta restaurant that included a door sign that reads “NO VAX NO SERVICE.” In its message, the restaurant said “[a]fter a few positive covid cases last week” it decided the rule was necessary.

“This is called segregation,” Taylor Greene wrote on Twitter. “Will you be testing everyone at the door for the flu, strep throat, stomach bugs, colds, meningitis, aids, venereal diseases, Hep A, Hep C, staff [sic] infections, athletes foot, pink eye, croup, bronchitis, ringworm, scabies, or any other contagions?”


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