Senator Ron Johnson does not favor vaccine mandates unless disease is ‘incredibly deadly’

Nearly 630,000 Americans have died from the deadly Coronavirus, COVID-19 but it appears that’s not high enough to convince Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson that mandating the vaccine may be just what this country needs in order to save lives and decrease the number of people becoming ill from it.

Appearing on Fox ‘News’ The Ingraham Angle, fill in host (perhaps, Laura had a few crosses to burn and took the night off) Brian Kilmeade asked the ‘esteemed’ Senator about the possibility of requiring COVID vaccines.

“Could you ever get behind a vaccine mandate for everybody?” Kilmeade asked.

Johnson replied: “No, not unless there’s some incredibly deadly disease. I mean, much higher infection-fatality rates than we have with COVID.

“We don’t know the final infection-fatality rate but right now it’s looking like it’s not going to be much more than double a bad season of flu.”

He went on: “I’m not downplaying this. We’ve had 600,000 excess deaths over the last year.

“But you know one thing we didn’t do, Brian, and this was a huge failing on the part of our health agencies, is we didn’t explore and research, early treatment with the cheap, repurposed generic drugs.”


In June, YouTube suspended Johnson’s account because they claimed he violated their Covid-19 policy.

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