Liveblog - In case you missed it: Headlines 08/03/21

With so many crazy things happening, sometimes things fall through the cracks.  Here are some headlines that you may find interesting and worth discussing. Please feel free to post ‘headlines’ you would like to share that we may have missed.

President Biden/Biden Administration:


  • Senate passes bill to award congressional gold medal to Capitol Police.


How to trigger a *Fullish* Wing Nut: Post COVID-19 news based on scientific findings versus junk science found on wing nut media.

Policing in America/Police behaving badly:

  • S.C. officer fired and arrested after stomping man in head, authorities say
    • Orangeburg Department of Public Safety Officer David Lance Dukes is charged with first-degree assault and battery in the July 26 attack, officials said.

White ISIS/MAGAts/ White Supremacists/Wing Nut Watch/GUNZ!:


Ohio Man Caught on Video Punching Male Flight Attendant Allegedly Groped Two Female Flight Attendants’ Breasts. Then He Was Duct-Taped to His Seat.

State News:

It’s not shaping out to be a good day for Governor Andrew Cuomo:

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    WTF, America?! What the actual F?!