Talko Tuesday: August 3, 2021

Petty Grievances:

We all have them; might as well talk about them…here, not on threads that someone worked hard to put together only to see it get derailed with petty grievances.

Personally, I believe that so many of the petty grievances would disappear if people would read….actually read...the Community Guidelines and follow them. We have no issue or…grievance…with friendly banter but, keep it to a minimum on our more serious threads. On Free Chats, like this one, have at it.

But something was brought to my attention and I’m not liking it. Please don’t post homophobic comments or even dog whistles insinuating that the person you’re bantering with is gay. So what if he or she is gay, seriously. They’re offensive and one of us will remove them. Again, reading the Community Guidelines would give you a better understanding of what is or isn’t acceptable on News Views.

Any questions? Now would be the time to ask. Be respectful; be polite.

Other than that, have a great day, be safe, and continue to mask up!

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About Ms. G 5734 Articles
WTF, America?! What the actual F?!