Trump told Newsmax Tuesday night that he was “down there” near the World Trade Center and helped out after the attacks, a claim he’s been making for two decades now. But while he was near the site in the days after the attack, he’s never proven that he helped—while lying about charitable donations to support 9/11 victims.
“Well, I was down there right after the event and I brought a big crew of people down and I helped, a lot of other people helped. Those first responders are very brave,” Trump said.
“We were hearing creaks—I’ve never forgotten it, it was I think the United States Steel Building it was called at the time, it was 50 stories tall, and we heard creaks. I said, ‘That building is going to come down,’ and two big firemen grabbed me, and grabbed other people, and they just moved out of that area. Never came down, but I never heard a noise like that. And it was a scary situation.”

Vice News says that this is new, on 9/11 Trump said he watched that attack from afar.
At the Time Trump spoke gibberish about tallest buildings: “40 Wall Street actually was the second-tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually, before the World Trade Center, was the tallest — and then, when they built the World Trade Center, it became known as the second tallest, and now it’s the tallest.”