Free Range Free Chat

The Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards, co-founded by professional photographers Paul Joynson-Hicks and Tom Sullam in 2015, unsurprisingly celebrates the latter while promoting wildlife conservation.

This year’s finalists, announced at the start of the month, feature everything from apparently secretive racoons and a hungover owl to a very upset looking pied starling.

The photographers have helpfully provided descriptions of what’s happening in their images–check them out in The Business Insider and Forbes

“Monday Morning Mood” by Andrew Mayes.
“Time For School” by Chee Kee Teo. 
Chee Kee Teo/
“Laughing Snake” by Aditya Kshirsagar.
“Leaning Post” by Andy Parkinson. 
“Shhh! I’m so hungover it hurts” by Anita Ross. 
“Ninja Prairie Dog!” by Arthur Trevino. 
“Don’t Worry. Be Happy!” by Axel Böcker. 
“Foot Jam” by Brook Burling.
“Majestic and Graceful Bald Eagle” by David Eppley
A monkey appears to be kissing a tree trunk in Jakub Hodan’s “Treehugger.”
“Operatic Warm Ups” by Lea Scaddan. 

I say we lighten up a little, what do you think? We’ve had a heavy week here at News Views, so on today’s Free Range, we’ll be checking out some of the finalists of this year’s Funny Wildlife photo contest. Free Range is our Monday Free Chat where anything goes within reason, where we have a special interest in all things environmental. This is where we celebrate the planet and all the life above, on and under it. . . . . So let’s chat, share funny pictures, stories, solve the world’s problems and start another week together….. What’s on your mind this fine Monday?