It’s National Taco Day!

According to the official National Taco Day website, over 4.5 billion tacos were consumed by Americans last year. That’s the equivalent of 490,000 miles of tacos, or to the moon and back! It figures!

The word taco is the Mexican equivalent of the English word sandwich. The tortilla, which is made of corn or wheat, is wrapped or folded around a filling that is generally made of spiced proteins – beef, pork or fish.

And according to the website, that’s not even the half of it —

There are many traditional varieties of tacos, some of which include Tacos de Cabeza, which are the brain, tongue, eyes and lips of a cow’s head. Others include crispy tripe tacos, shrimp tacos and Tacos dorados, which mean fried tacos. Called flautas because of their flute shape or taquito, these tacos are filled with cooked and shredded chicken or beef and rolled into tube or flute shapes and deep-fried until crispy.

While I’m not sure I want to know if you’re one who enjoys organ meats, or lips and eyes of a cow’s head in your own tacos, I thought it would be worthwhile to get some ideas of what makes your favorite tacos. At my house, tacos are requested at least once a week, and I’d love new taco ideas. You may save us from the traditional pre-seasoned turkey tacos.

What goes down on Taco Tuesdays in your world, and in this case on a Monday that happens to be a (fake) holiday! Hard, soft, or a combo? Beef, chicken, fish? To guac or not to guac? Do tell!