And So it Begins: Republican who voted against the Infrastructure Bill but takes credit for it

From Alabama Public Radio:

Alabama Congressman Gary Palmer is reportedly the first Republican Congressman to claim credit for part of the bi-partisan infrastructure bill he voted against. Published reports say the GOP lawmaker told constituents that he pushed for $360 million dollars in funding for the Birmingham Northern Beltline. The project designed to connect north Jefferson County to Bessemer. Palmer is being criticized on social media for reportedly declining to mention he voted against the package. Alabama House member and state Democratic Party chair, Chris England, called Palmer’s actions “hypocrisy.”

In Palmer’s defense, a spokesman told that the Congressman would have voted for the beltline as a standalone item, instead being part of a wasteful spending package.

Published reports say Alabama could receive as much as $7 billion dollars from the $1 trillion dollar plan, on items ranging from road and bridge repair to the expansion of broadband internet access. None of the State’s GOP congressional delegation voted for the measure.

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