Pentagon inspector general raises questions about former D.C. Guard commander’s Jan. 6 account

When city officials asked for National Guard assistance and senior Army officers — Lt. Gens. Charles Flynn and Walter Piatt — advised against providing it.

The D.C. National Guard’s commanding general was directed twice by Pentagon leadership to send in troops as violence engulfed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, according to a newly released investigation that appears to undercut the now-retired general’s claim that he would have responded to the riot more quickly if Trump administration officials had allowed.

Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy first notified Maj. Gen. William Walker by phone at 4:35 p.m. that Walker was authorized to send troops to Capitol Hill, and then called the general again “to reissue the deployment order” about 30 minutes after McCarthy “originally conveyed it,” an unidentified Army witness told investigators with the independent Defense Department Inspector General, according to a newly released report. A timeline of events that day, assembled by the inspector general’s office, also indicates separate calls were made.

Jan. 6 insurrection: William Walker’s account of D.C. National Guard response raises questions in inspector general report – The Washington Post

Pentagon inspector general raises questions about former D.C. Guard commander’s Jan. 6 account (

Article submitted by, AucepsTheLocalMilkPerson.