Ohio Religious Group Says Haitian Gang Has Released 3 More Hostages

That brings the total to 5 released hostages. There were 17 hostages taken in mid-October. The 400 Wawozo gang originally wanted $1 million for each hostage. There was no word if any ransom had been paid.

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — A religious group based in Ohio announced Monday that a violent gang in Haiti has released three more hostages, while another 12 remain abducted.

“We are thankful to God that three more hostages were released last night,” said the statement from Christian Aid Ministries, an Anabaptist missions organization based in Berlin, Ohio. “As with the previous release, we are not able to provide the names of the people released, the circumstances of the release, or any other details.”

The group reiterated its request for supporters to devote Monday through Wednesday as days of prayer and fasting “to intercede for those who are still being held as well as those who have been released.”


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