Coffee Talk

Good morning, sleepy NewsViewers, I’m on my second cup and hoping for some Coffee Talk.

This is the Thursday edition of free chat, where we welcome your off topic chit chat with bells on! If you have something off topic on your mind, let us know. We’ve all got plenty to think about.

It’s December 9, and only 16 days until Christmas. Not that I’m counting, seriously. I’m definitely not on board yet with the holiday season. No shopping, no baking, very little decorating…….not much has struck my Christmas feels yet.

It occurred to me that I need the jump start that seems to work every time………my holiday movie fix.

Today’s Topic:

What puts you in the holiday spirit? Is it the lights, the sounds, the sights, the smells? Here in the Midwest we often seem to need a fresh blanket of snow to launch the busy-ness of Christmas. But of course with a dangerous virus circulating in the December air, I find myself leaving the safety of the nest less frequently. Christmas doesn’t always come from a store, does it?

What is your holiday movie or animated Christmas cartoon favorite?

Is it a classic black and white? Is it animated, featuring reindeer? Is it musical?

Or is it a fragile family tradition?

For me, it’s this CGI fantasy, and its soundtrack. Seriously, the Polar Express does it for me. Surround sound ON.

Forget the coffee, where’s my hot chocolate??

What does it for you?

Again, good morning! Hope you have a great Thursday, and enjoy your free chat.