Melania Trump being investigated for skirting charity laws in Florida

Melania Trump

In a deep dive into how Donald Trump has turned his four years as president into a money-making machine cashing in on his renewed celebrity, the New York Times notes that Melania Trump is being scrutinized for selling tickets to a meet and greet with a portion of the proceeds going to a charity that doesn’t appear to exist.

While noting that former first lady has already been attempting to make money by auctioning off some apparel, the Times’ Shane Goldmacher and Eric Lipton reported that Melania has a “high tea” event scheduled in April in Florida that is raising eyebrows.

According to the report, “Mrs. Trump is now selling tickets to the April ‘high tea,’ with organizers saying that some of the profits will benefit an initiative of her ‘Be Best’ endeavor called ‘Fostering the Future,’ meant to provide computer-science scholarships to young people who have been in foster care.”

With details vague as to what portion of the ticket sales will go to the former president’s wife, questions are being raised about her “Fostering the Future” charity.

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