Former cop Kim Potter sentenced to two years for executing Daunte Wright

Hennepin County Judge Regina Chu A Minnesota sentenced former police officer Kim Potter to two years in a “significant downward” punishment for executing Daunte Wright, an unarmed Black motorist 10 months ago. Prosecutors had asked the court to sentence Potter to 86-months but Chu said Potter deserved a lesser sentence. Instead, Potter will spend two-thirds of her sentence behind bars and one-third of it on supervised release. She’s already served 58 days behind bars, which will go to her credit.

“I find the facts and circumstances here justify a downward departure from the guidelines,” said Chu, adding that said she understood her ruling would be unpopular. “This is one of the saddest cases that I’ve had in my 20 years on the bench,” Chu said.

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WTF, America?! What the actual F?!